Whatis project management software?

Managing projects is not an easy task. From task breakdown to team coordination, there are many tasks to manage that can easily vary. The use of specific software therefore becomes essential for the complete management of projects and for planning all the activities that compose them. These tools allow you to achieve great benefits in terms of reducing costs and increasing productivity.

Whatis project management

Project management, better known as project management, includes all back office and front office activities to analyze, design, plan and achieve the objectives of a project in compliance with its constraints.

Managing a project means making four key elements work together:

  • The purpose refers to the dimensions, objective and requirements of the project. It acts as a connector between the objectives to be achieved and the budget available. Changing the purpose is a challenging process that requires a review of the entire project.
  • Resources can correspond to people, materials or equipment. Each project must employ an adequate number of people, with the right skills and knowledge, and it is essential to have the right materials and equipment at the right time.
  • Time management is essential in the implementation of projects. Tasks must be scheduled and have a pre-set deadline.
  • The budget groups the costs of all activities.

Considering the multitude of aspects and complexities that characterize projects, a project management software can help achieve a higher level of service, respecting the expected time and budget.


The features of project management software

Project management software is used to plan activities respecting the precedence and availability of resources. It must be able to monitor the progress of projects and manage critical issues by re-planning activities in a simple and effective way. To make the process more fluid, it should easily integrate with the management system and with other commonly used software.

What features should a project management software have?

  • Predict needs and resources. To plan activities in advance, taking into account the availability of resources and the presence of other activities already scheduled.
  • Graphs and visual information to easily understand if the task is late, if there are conflicts between projects, if constraints are respected and to answer many more questions at a glance.
  • Analyze the performance and impact on the plan. Through KPIs and alarms, the system must be able to monitor the progress of the project portfolio and highlight critical issues, advising where to intervene to reschedule.
  • Manage company resources with work calendars, membership teams and a system of indicators to always have their availability under control.
  • Ability to collaborate and share information in real time with the team about the progress of the project or changes in progress.
  • Monitor progress and manage the final results through weekly reports to verify the alignment of the data with the plan.


How to choose a project management software

When we talk about project management software, we can refer to different types of solutions, from rather simple work management tools to complex solutions for managing entire project portfolios.

Work management software is designed to allow team members to collaborate in a shared workspace, making it easier to organize tasks and tasks. The most complex solutions help companies in every aspect of managing a project, from planning and scheduling, to monitoring and controlling costs.

Selecting the right software means being clear about the features you are looking for and the shortcomings you want to improve. In the decision, it also matters who will use the software, whether large or small teams, and whether it will also be shared with customers.


Why use CyberPlan RSP as project management software

CyberPlan RSP is Cybertec’s project management software, a new solution that covers all aspects of planning, management and monitoring of project activities.

The abbreviation RSP stands for Resilient Service Planning and is characterized by its extreme simplicity of use and an intuitive and easy-to-use graphical interface. The software is able to automatically date the activities to be carried out taking into account the constraints and calculate the resource loads. The main benefits that companies can obtain from its use are a reduction in costs, the improvement of competitiveness and the synchronization of turnover.

If you are looking for project management software and think that CyberPlan RSP may be right for you, you can fill out the form to be contacted and to receive the information brochure.


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