The benefits of an APS for an AD

The CEO and the president of a company need to have data and information on the company chaired, to better manage it and make prudent decisions, useful for the best management of the same.

The first fundamental objective is therefore to obtain at their disposal an overall picture of the company, which is truthful and up-to-date. In a manufacturing company, this overview cannot go beyond providing data and information on the production department. Values related to production planning and scheduling are therefore also valuable to understand in which direction company production is going and what changes can be made. An analysis of this type makes it possible to more specifically assess the performance of the different business areas in relation to the objectives set.

These management figures therefore need to have access to the information of their interest in a simple and immediate way; an added value to the provision of such data is given by effective and easy-to-read graphic representations and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

Having these company data relating to a department as important as that of production planning means having the ability to plan future plans and to react in a timely manner to market changes. Effective analysis of company data is a very important process that allows you to monitor the progress of the company and the market and make timely and effective decisions.

APS Software, the link between management and planning

Advanced production planning and scheduling software can provide this visibility of company production, in a shared way between users, even from different departments. The latest web-based solutions allow even greater and easier sharing between different departments, whether they are adjacent to each other or on different continents. It is therefore essential to evaluate these characteristics during the software selection phase, in order to ascertain the real potential of the tool.

The benefits of APS software for an AD

There are therefore several benefits that a company president, or a CEO, can have from the use of APS software:

  • Increasing the level of service by increasing the company’s prestige, decreasing any penalties or lost orders, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty and allowing it to increase its market share (market share);
  • Increase in productivity and consequent reduction in the  average cost of the product;
  • Reduction  of production costs  and therefore increase in margin.
  • Better visibility on production with increased awareness of their company and a decrease in waste related to the lack of visibility (machine downtime, expediting, decrease in purchase costs);
  • Greater information assets available for management decisions and maximum speed in finding information;
  • Implementation with ROI within the year increasing the availability of capital to be used for further investments.

If you want to find out today how to increase the competitiveness of your company, increasing the tools at your disposal to manage the company, contact us >


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