Three companies planning with APS, awarded for innovation

The IP4FVG (Industry Platform 4 FVG) awarded 11 companies from Friuli Venezia Giulia, which stood out for their strong vocation for innovation.

The 11 “Manufacturing Lighthouses” are distributed throughout the regional territory and were selected from a list of 89 companies that participated in the IP4FVG Manufacturing Lighthouses route.

Three of the companies awarded the title of Manufacturing Lighthouses are companies that use advanced solutions to plan and schedule their production: Friul Intagli, Limacorporate and Modulblok.

Awarded in the presence of the councilors of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Alessia Rosolen Autonomous Region (work, training, education, research, university and family) and Sergio Emidio Bini (production and tourism), the companies had to pass a long selection process.


The selection process of Manufacturing Headlights

The IP4FVG selection process was divided into two distinct phases. The first concerned the selection of the most important players in the regional manufacturing sector, including 89 manufacturing companies particularly active in the digitisation of production processes. At this stage, a team of experts has carried out an analysis of the technological state of the individual company for each company. This analysis highlighted strengths and innovation as well as any critical issues and opportunities for improvement. The second phase concerned the identification of the 11 companies that distinguished themselves by methodology, experimentation capacity and/or results obtained.


Three award-winning companies plan with CyberPlan 

The 11 Faro companies will benefit from a training grant, funded by the IP4FVG system, and will become an open demo point available to entrepreneurs in the region, as well as having an information presence at the 4 thematic nodes of IP4FVG.

Among the 11 Manufacturing Lighthouses of Friuli Venezia Giulia, 3 use CyberPlan daily for the production programming process. These are the 3 award-winning companies and the reasons for the award:

We take this opportunity to congratulate these three companies, long-time Cybertec customers, which once again demonstrate that they are always focused on innovation, improving performance and increasing competitiveness.


Schedule remote production and simulate future production scenarios

Most manufacturing companies do not have adequate solutions to support planning processes from sales forecasting to detail scheduling.
Processes that require computing power to optimize the plan and generate rapid simulations that maximize efficiency and reduce costs.
Reduce inventory, increase productivity and the reliability of delivery dates with a collaborative tool integrated into your management system. Talk to an expert to increase the competitiveness of your company.

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