Cybertec and Open Data announce their merger

A new synergy for the management of the Digital Supply Chain

Trieste, 1 July 2024 – Cybertec and Open Data are pleased to announce their merger, creating a new reality of excellence in the manufacturing sector. Since 1 July, Cybertec has incorporated Open Data, renowned for its Opera MES software, into its internal business. This merger represents a significant step towards strengthening Cybertec’s leadership in the Digital Supply Chain, offering even more integrated and high-performance solutions.

The merger of Open Data into Cybertec allows you to combine the expertise and solutions of two companies with a long history, creating a unique platform that covers the entire management of the Supply Chain, from planning and scheduling to the Manufacturing Execution System (MES). Opera MES and CyberPlan solutions, now more tightly integrated, will guarantee all customers a complete, efficient and highly competitive management of their supply chain.

In this new configuration, Cybertec will be structured in two technically autonomous but strategically interconnected product Business Units: Opera MES and CyberPlan. Each unit will maintain its own areas of expertise and specificity, continuing to evolve as reference solutions in their respective areas. This technical autonomy, combined with a common strategic vision, will allow us to respond more accurately and quickly to market needs.

“We are excited about the opportunities this merger brings with it,” said Alice Kirchner, Sales Director at Cybertec. “The combination of our strengths allows us to offer an integrated solution that responds to the growing needs of the manufacturing sector, significantly improving the efficiency and competitiveness of our customers.”

The new reality born from the merger will therefore be able to offer a unique solution of its kind, capable of revolutionising the management of the Digital Supply Chain. Customer companies will benefit from a platform that not only seamlessly integrates planning, scheduling and MES, but is also designed to constantly evolve in response to market dynamics. In addition, the partner ecosystem will also be strengthened, generating synergy for professionals who propose both solutions in Italy and abroad.


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